ALM Mobile Imaging - Autonomic Nervous System Test Services
Autonomic Testing Autonomic tests measure how the systems in the body that are controlled by the autonomic nerves respond to stimulation. The data collected during testing will indicate if the autonomic nervous system is functioning as it should, or if nerve damage has occurred.
What is it?
The nervous system has three parts: motor, sensory and autonomic. The autonomic system manages all internal functions such as blood pressure, blood flow, and sweating. Autonomic tests are conducted to see if the autonomic nervous system is functioning normally.
Why is it done?
Autonomic testing can help determine if a patient is suffering from certain diseases that attack the autonomic nervous system, or as a way to diagnose an illness, or source of pain.
How is it performed?
To see if a disease is affecting the autonomic nervous system, several tests are done to monitor blood pressure, blood flow, heart rate, skin temperature, and sweating. By measuring these functions, it is possible to discover whether or not the autonomic nervous system is functioning normally.
Tests to measure blood pressure and heart rate include the tilt table test, a deep breathing test and the Valsalva maneuver. The tilt table test requires that the patient lie on a table that is then raised. The deep breathing test requires the patient to take deep breaths for a minute. The Valsalva maneuver requires that the patient blow into a tube to increase pressure in the chest. While these simple tests are performed, blood pressure and heart rate are monitored.
How will the patient feel?
All testing is non-invasive and painless
What our mobile package includes
Latest advanced Equipment
Registered Technologists
Onsite board certified
cardiologists, if needed to
monitor and interpret results
All necessary medical supplies
ALM Mobile Imaging offers 4 flexible options
LEASE our state of the art equipments along with trained and certified staff and receive full reimbursement from most private Insurances.
RENT your office space to us and receive a check each month while leaving all logistic and billing hassles to our professionals.
RENT our equipment and staff to fulfill short or long term capacity shortage needs at hospitals, imaging centers or private practices.
BUY our equipment and utilize our staffing solutions to hire certified professionals to enhance your practice income.